Yam Brahmavarunainder Rudermaruka Satuanvanti Divyaa Satvaavedaai Sans Pad Karmopanishadaaegarayanati Yam Samga I Dhyanavasthittagatain Mansa Pashayanti Yam Yogino Yasyanatam Na Vidu Surasurgana Devai Tasmai Nama II
Om Gurudevay Namah! Thanks for the photo of Lord Visnu in the centre n his forms surrounding! Its a great pic! My mom got this picture enlarged manyb years ago! Hopefully i shall with Gurus Grace upload a similiar one!
Om Gurudevay Namah! Thanks for the photo of Lord Visnu in the centre n his forms surrounding! Its a great pic! My mom got this picture enlarged manyb years ago! Hopefully i shall with Gurus Grace upload a similiar one!